119 research outputs found

    Model Matematika untuk Memprediksi Volume Telur Itik Alabio

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    This study aims to predict the egg volume of Alabio ducks based on the Westerskov (1950) model by finding the volume coefficient (Kv) based on the length and width of the eggs and validating the accuracy of the model obtained with the actual volume. This study uses a quantitative observation method based on the Westerskov model (1950) with the equation: V = Kv×P×L2, to predict volume in duck eggs Alabio. This study was divided into two stages, namely the first stage of Model Development using 350 Alabio duck eggs to find the Kv value by dividing the actual volume value of the eggs by the product of the length and width of the eggs that have been measured. The second stage is Model Validation using 150 eggs to validate the formula obtained in the first stage. The Kv value obtained in the first stage was applied to estimate the volume of 150 eggs using the Westerskov (1950) model. The predicted volume value  of the 150 eggs obtained is then compared with the actual volume  of the 150 eggs. The model obtained was then validated with the values of Mean Bias, Modeling Efficiency (MEF), Root Mean Squared Error of Prediction (RMSEP), and Concordance Correlation Coefficient (CCC). Based on the analysis results, the Kv value obtained to predict the egg volume of Alabio ducks is 0.48, so the mathematical model is = 0.48×P×L2. The validation results show that the model is feasible to use (MEF=0.68) with a high level of accuracy (CCC=0.84).  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memprediksi volume telur itik Alabio berdasarkan model Westerskov (1950) dengan mencari Koefisien volume (Kv) berdasarkan panjang dan lebar telur serta memvalidasi tingkat akurasi dari model yang diperoleh dengan volume aktual. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi kuantitatif berdasarkan model Westerskov (1950) dengan persamaan: V = Kv×P×L2,  untuk memprediksi volume pada telur itik Alabio. Penelitian ini dibagi atas dua tahap yaitu tahap pertama Pengembangan Model (Model Development) menggunakan 350 butir telur itik Alabio untuk mencari nilai Kv dengan cara membagi nilai volume aktual telur dengan hasil kali panjang dan lebar telur yang sudah diukur. Tahap kedua yaitu Validasi Model (Model Validation) menggunakan 150 telur untuk memvalidasi formula yang diperoleh pada tahap pertama. Nilai Kv yang diperoleh pada tahap pertama diaplikasikan untuk menduga volume 150 telur dengan model Westerskov (1950). Nilai volume prediksi dari 150 butir telur yang diperoleh kemudian dibandingkan dengan volume aktual dari 150 butir telur tersebut. Model yang diperoleh kemudian divalidasi dengan nilai Mean Bias, Modelling Efficiency (MEF), Root Mean Squared Error of Prediction (RMSEP), dan Concordance Correlation Coefficient (CCC). Berdasarkan hasil analisis nilai koefisien volume (Kv) yang diperoleh untuk memprediksi volume telur itik Alabio adalah 0,48, sehingga model matematikanya adalah = 0,48 × P × L2. Hasil validasi menunjukkan bahwa model tersebut layak untuk digunakan (MEF=0,68) dengan tingkat akurasi yang tinggi (CCC=0,84)

    Faidh al-IhsānÄ« Naskah Manaqib Syaikh AbduáčŁ áčąamad al-PalimbānÄ«

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    The main problems of this research are 1) What is the general description of Faidh al-Ihsani's manuscript through a philological approach? 2) How is the biography of Shaykh Abdus Samad al-Palimbani related to the existence of the Faidh al-Ihsani manuscript and how is the analysis of the contents of the text? This research uses philological research methods with stages. The data used are qualitative data obtained from primary and secondary sources. This type of research is a library research study by presenting a facsimile edition of the FI manuscript text, transliterating the original Arabic-Malay text into Latin and at the same time analyzing it. From the research findings, it is known that the FI manuscript is a single manuscript (codex unicus), which contains several mistakes and omissions in writing the manuscript, and there are writings that are forgotten to be written. The contribution of the Faidh al-Ihsani manuscript is very important for the preparation of writing the biography of Shaykh Abdus Samad al-Palimbani, including: First, before the Faidh al-Ihsani manuscript was discovered, the history of the biography of Shaykh Abdus Samad al-Palimbani that has developed so far is still confusing and there are several mistake. Second, thanks to the presence of the FI manuscript, by itself it can neutralize and straighten the history of Shaykh Abdus Samad al-Palimbani's life journey from local sources. Third, Shaykh Abdus Samad al-Jawi al-Palimbani is a great charismatic cleric from Palembang, a well-known Sufi and writer who has a wide range of scholarship in the international network of scholars. Fourth, in the Faidh al-Ihsani manuscript it is stated that Shaykh Abdus Samad bin Abdurrahman was born in Palembang in 1150 H or at the same time 1737 AD. Fifth, Regarding the work, works and teachings of Shaykh Abdus Samad al-Palimbani until now, we can still find them, His written works such as Hidayat as-Salikin, Sair as-Salikin, and others are still being read and studied. Likewise with his teachings, reading manaqib, tarekat remembrance, especially Ratib Samman, are still carried out and practiced by the Islamic community in general


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    This study aims to analyze the influence of Foreign Ownership, Institutional Ownership, Independent Commissioners, Financial Distress using the disclosure of Accounting Conservatism as a moderating variable. Data collection obtained from the annual financial reports of Pharmacies listed on IDX  2017 – 2021 period, totaling 30 companies. The sampling technique used purposive sampling technique because the sample selection was based on the assessment some of the characteristics of the sample members which adjusted to the intentions of the researcher. using secondary data on the official IDX website (www.idx.co.id) and the official website of each company. The data analysis method used a special application of multiple linear regression analysis, namely using Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) with a quantitative approach. The results of the study show that foreign ownership and independent commissioners do not affect stock prices. Institutional ownership and financial distress have a significant effect on stock prices. foreign ownership and independent commissioners influence share prices moderated by accounting conservatism. Institutional ownership and financial distress do not affect stock prices of pharmaceutical companies moderated by accounting conservatismThis study aims to analyze the influence of Foreign Ownership, Institutional Ownership, Independent Commissioners, and Financial Distress using the disclosure of Accounting Conservatism as a moderating variable. Data collection was obtained from the annual financial reports of Pharmacies listed on IDX  2017 – 2021 period, totaling 30 companies. The sampling technique used purposive sampling because the sample selection was based on the assessment of some of the characteristics of the sample members, which adjusted to the researcher's intentions. Using secondary data on the official IDX website (www.idx.co.id) and the official website of each company. The data analysis method used a special application of multiple linear regression analysis using Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) with a quantitative approach. The study results show that foreign ownership and independent commissioners do not affect stock prices. Institutional ownership and financial distress have a significant effect on stock prices. Foreign ownership and independent commissioners influence share prices moderated by accounting conservatism. Institutional ownership and financial distress do not affect stock prices of pharmaceutical companies moderated by accounting conservatism. From the results of this study, it is hoped that pharmaceutical sub-sector companies will consider financial reports in carrying out their operating activities. In addition, investors can be used as a tool that provides additional information


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    ABSTRAKKabupaten Takalar merupakan salah satu kabupaten di Sulawesi Selatan yang kaya akan komoditi hasil perikanan dan pertanian, utamanya rumput laut yang dapat diolah menjadi karagenan dan umbi-umbian yang dapat diolah menjadi pati sebagai sumber bahan baku edible film. Edible film merupakan kemasan primer yang dapat dimakan dan ramah lingkungan yang telah banyak diaplikasikan pada produk pangan olahan. Salah satu produk olahan yang potensi untuk diaplikasikan edible film adalah dodol yang banyak diproduksi di Kabupaten Takalar. Tujuan umum dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah memberdayakan mitra ibu-ibu kelompok usaha Matahari untuk memanfaatkan produk turunan dari rumput laut dan umbi-umbian seperti karagenan dan pati menjadi edible film dan mengaplikasikan pada dodol. Mitra ini telah memiliki pengalaman memproduksi dodol rumput laut namun belum memiliki pengetahuan tentang kemasan primer yang baik, aspek keamanan pangan dan, belum memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan tentang produksi kemasan primer dan aplikasinya pada pangan olahan basah seperti dodol. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan meliputi penyuluhan dan pelatihan. Metode penyuluhan dan pelatihan dilakukan untuk menjelaskan tentang manfaat edible film, cara membuat edible film, dan aspek keamanan pangan pada pembuatan dan aplikasi edible film. Sementara itu metode pelatihan diberikan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan ibu-ibu kelompok  Matahari membuat edible film dan menerapkan kemasan primer pada dodol. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah ibu-ibu kelompok usaha Matahari banyak memperoleh pemahaman dan keterampilan tentang edible film dan aplikasinya pada dodol. Selain itu peserta menyadari pentingnya keamanan pangan dalam proses produksi, pemilihan jenis bahan baku edible film dan cara penggunaan edible film pada dodol.Kata kunci: edible film, karagenan, pati, kemasan, keamanan pangan. ABSTRACTTakalar Regency, one of the districts in South Sulawesi Province, is rich in commodities of fisheries and agriculture. Carrageenan and starch, the derivative products of seaweed and tubers, are the raw materials of edible film. Edible films/coatings is a thin layer which is formed directly on the food surface or between different layers of components with many function such as a barrier of moisture, oxygen, and solute into the food and as a carrier ofaroma compounds. The objective of the community services is to empower the housewife of Matahari community to produce carageenan/starch based-edible film and its application to dodol, a processed food which is fabricated by Matahari community, a small entreprises in Takalar regency. Matahari community has experience producing dodol but they did not yet have good knowledge to produce edible film  and apply edible film to dodol  as well as lack of food safety aspects. The method used in the implementation knowledge and skills transfer to community were lecture and training. The lecture method was conducted to provide an explanation of the benefits of edible film, how to produce edible film and its application to dodol in-house scale, and how to keep the food safety. The community were very responsive to follow the training as well as the lecture. The community was very eager to follow the training activities and conducting practice edible film. After participating in these activities, the skill of the Matahari community to produce edible film in-house scale improved. In addition, awareness of food safety and proper packaging greatly enhanced. Keywords: edible film, carrageenan, starch, packaging, food safety

    The Indigenous Ecotourism in Kajang South Sulawesi: Empowerment Issues in The Context of Pa'pasang Ri Kajang

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    The issue of empowerment in indigenous groups has very little attention. This discussion is critical because empowering the indigenous people of Kajang results from a tourism visit that collided with Pa'pasang ri Kajang’s value. This article bridges the relationship of ecotourism with the values of the Kajang tribe's beliefs. Second, investigating the issue of empowerment of the Kajang Indigenous community that hinders the development of ecotourism. This article uses ethnographic research methods. The data comes from direct interviews with the Ammatoa indigenous people. The Pa'pasang ri Kajang philosophy plays an essential role in the Kajang community's daily activities; however, various problems arise to develop ecotourism. What the Kajang community should get is feedback from tourist visits. Of course, this article provides knowledge implications about travelling to indigenous peoples' areas and providing input to stakeholders to develop ecotourism

    Pengembangan Manajemen Pariwisata Halal Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Sipakatau’, Sipakainge’, Sipakalebbi’

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    Halal Tourism is one of the cultural-based tourist forms that Putting Islamic values and norms first. The potential for Halal Tourism development in Indonesia is enormous but needs to be upgraded in terms of the developer concept by applying lokal cultural values. One tourist destination in South Sulawesi is 'Taman prasejarah Leang-Leang' in Maros regency that has become a promising region To be developed as a Halal Tourism area by promoting lokal Sipakainge’ and Sipakalebbi’ concepts of wisdom. This study is a qualitative descriptive study using primary and secondary data sources through observation and documentation carried out by researchers. Research results are obtained if Sipakainge’ and Sipakalebbi’ can apply as Tourism clean development concepts by upholding the value of humanizing one another, reminding and respecting one another in the process. Additionally, the development can also be achieved by increasing the tools and infrastructure that makeup residence and characteristics of Halal Tourism

    The Effects of Drilling Technique on the EFL Students’ Ability in Answering the Reading Section of TOEFL Test

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    For students majoring in English Education at IAIN Parepare in the 2019–2020 academic year, the goal of this study is to ascertain whether or not the application of drilling techniques in reading might enhance reading scores on the TOEFL test. A quasi-experimental design was used in this investigation. In the 2019–2020 academic year, English Education majors at IAIN Parepare made up the study's population. A total of 70 students were involved in the study, divided into two sample groups of 35 students each for the experimental group and the control grou

    Mengurangi Dosis Pupuk Anorganik pada Tanaman Jagung Ungu dengan Aplikasi Pupuk Organik Cair

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    Kandungan antioksidan pada jagung ungu menjadikan jenis jagung ini dapat dijadikan sebagai tanaman pangan dan penting untuk dibudidayakan saat pandemi Covid-19. Salah satu faktor yang harus diperhatikan dalam kegiatan budidaya adalah unsur hara. Aplikasi pupuk anorganik secara terus menerus tanpa adanya penambahan pupuk organik dapat menurunkan kualitas tanah. Perbaikan kualitas tanah dapat dilakukan dengan penambahan bahan organik salah satunya pupuk organik cair. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 5 perlakuan berupa pengurangan dosis pupuk anorganik dengan taraf masing-masing dosis pupuk anorganik 100% (kontrol), 75%, 50%, 25% dan 0%. Analisis data menggunakan sidik ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan uji BNJ (Uji Lanjut Tukey). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengurangan dosis pupuk anorganik beberapa taraf dengan adanya penambahan pupuk organik cair BMW pada tanaman jagung ungu memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap variabel jumlah daun, panjang tongkol, diameter tongkol dan produksi. Aplikasi pupuk organik cair BMW pada tanaman jagung ungu mampu mengurangi pemakaian pupuk anorganik sebesar 25%

    Leadership and Motivation in the Performance Officer at the Office of Motor vehicle tax Sidenreng Rappang Regency

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    The main study of this paper is to discuss leadership and motivation in the performance of employees in the office of the motor vehicle tax Sidenreng Rappang Regency particularly on tax officers motor vehicle, of the number of employees in the office of the motor vehicle tax since 2015 as many as 36 people, types of research conducted in this study done by a technique that is descriptive quantitative data analysis, the collected data is processed by statistics then analyzed by quantitative statistics, the results of research indicating that leadership influence on employee performance of 82.90%. Motivation having an effect on the performance of 39.93%. Leadership greatly affect the performance employees while the motivation does not significantly affect the performance of employees. Keywords: Leadership, motivation, and employee performanc
